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Friday, January 9, 2009

Day 9 / Project 365

I'm not sure if Taco Bell still use's this slogan.. But that is exactly what we did today. Anytime you ask my daughters when we are out, what they want to eat, they both scream Taco Bell.. Why? Beats me! I can think of many other place's I'd love to go lol.. Now I know people eat some weird stuff, I'm guilty of it myself.. But Jaslynn is the pickiest eater I have ever known.. And Taco's are no exception.. Taco, no lettuce, just cheese and meat.. I know this isn't so creative today, but my mind is shot, and I've had a really bad headache all darn day!! Hopefully tomorrow is better..


Tanya J. said...

you are sooo lucky you can get your kids to eat at Taco Bell. That is my FAVORITE PLACE!! and neither of my kids will go there:(

Anonymous said...

Jas eats her Taco's exactly how Cass eats hers lol. I was just working on my day 9 photo then wondered if you did yers yet.. Guess we were kinda on the same page lol

Connie said...

I love Taco Bell lol, I can never get anyone here to go with me! When I do talk the kiddo into a trip, it's just a taco w/ meat & cheese too lol..must be a kid thing!

Vanessa said...

Ooooh I don`t know TacoBell, but ist must be great *lol*
Get well and CU tomorrow!!