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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 7 / Project 365..

Day seven! It feels like I just started this, yet it feels like its been forever already lol.. So my plan for today, fell through. So my today photo idea, is gonna be put on hold until tomorrow.. Sorry I have to blind you all with another shot of me.. It was quick to edit, and fast to post lol.. I didn't think I would ever 1. be willing to take my self portrait, or 2. posting it here for who knows to see.. I can promise you, that this will probably more than likely, be the last one of me for a reallllly long time lol..


Tanya J. said...

It better not be the last one :) you have soo many more days to go :D I want MORE pics of CARLA!! Who's with me???????
SHOOT! I still havent posted my

Anonymous said...

Oh come on you party pooper! I say more self pics! You do em so well :D

Anonymous said...

Well, I for one like your self portrait and think you should definitely turn the camera on yourself several times during this project.

(and it's a great picture!)

Anonymous said...

Carla, you are so BEAUTIFUL!!! You must be one of the most photogenic faces I have ever seen!! I love this shot - don't stop taking pics of yourself altogether - take at least one a month!!!

Emma said...

you did a fantastic job with the self-portrait, so let us see more!

Meg said...

Love the photo treatment and you're beautiful! I agree with everyone else do more self portraits.

Chreamps said...

Wonderful photo! Sweetie if I looked as good as you, I'd definitely do some more self portraits!

LelaFleet said...

WOW!Completely GORGEOUS photo!!

Sarah C. (my4hens) said...

You are gorgeous you should take photos of yourself!! Love this! Cant wait to see what you have in store for tomorrow!

CrayonQueen said...

You are such a pretty girl, keep on taking thos self portraits! But I do know how you feel....I hate pics of myself too... :)

Rachel said...

Ooooh 365 Days of self-portraits, now that could be fun!! :) :) Great pic!!
