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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day 3 / Project 365

There are four reasons in life I keep going. My day 3 photo, shares with you two of those reasons I wake up everyday!! One of the greatest joys in my life, is being a mother! A mother to, two of the most awesome girls ever.. Growing up I use to say I was going to be a Dr. When I turned 13 I decided what I wanted to do was be a Radio DJ. When I turned 17 I got pregnant.. At the time I wasn't so sure, but it what a blessing that was! It wasn't that easy, but it wasn't "the end of the world" either.. Being able to stay at home with my daughters, has been another amazing experience I will always cherish! So with that here is my number 3 photo. Me and my baby girls!


Tanya J. said...

AWW that is the most cherished paragraph ever! I love your number 3 photos!! and Thank you for sticking with the "Project" :)
What a gorgeous photo:)
I miss your girls and I never even met them :(

Anonymous said...

Wow you wrote a great paragraph for this! I couldn't of said it any better myself. Love the pic :)

Anonymous said...

Precious photo and excellent sentiments. I was also a teenage mother - and you're right, it wasn't easy I'm happy you find such joy in motherhood. I look forward to more of your project 365 posts...

JoAnn said...

What true words! Beautiful photo!

Anonymous said...

beautiful and great sentiments

Iris said...

That's so true! Wonderful photo!

Kim said...

Such a sweet picture!

Chreamps said...

Love the closeup portraits - wonderful pic!

Trina said...

Your journaling is SO heartfelt! Thank you so much for sharing the awesome photo and journaling :)