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Sunday, March 8, 2009

New Blog...

I've moved to a new blog.. you can find it at:

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 49 / Project 365

Okay, before I get to why I've not posted, let me give you a small tidbit about todays photo. It is of course rain. It's suppose to rain all day, and be cold, cold, cold! I for one can't wait for Spring/Summer because I'm so over all this cold weather!

So I notice I haven't posted anything since Jan 20th. I really want to try to keep up with this, but so much has been going on. My grandmother was placed in the hospital after having a stroke, my dear sweet husband made all my dreams come true, when he bought a Canon Rebel (XS) for V-Day for me, and my "baby" just recently turned 11..

Here are just a few photos from the past few days...

Day 44 (My nephew).

Day 45, her last day being 10 yrs old.

Day 46 (my neice, at my daughters party.)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 20 / Project 365..

Well we woke up this morning to the white stuff.. Although they got the prediction so wrong! It never fails!! They said this was going to be a "big" storm for us, and that we'd see 4-7 inches of snow.. Which is alot for NC.. People start to freak out, bread and milk go flying off the shelves etc.. In the end we ended up with maybe 2 inches, maybe! Since K didn't have school today (teacher workday) they woke up and was ready to go out and play by 9am.. I wanted photos before the snow melted (and its gone now) so we got them layered in clothes and out we went.. Here is my day 20 photo...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 19 / Project 365..

So I have been around, and still taking my photos, but due to family reasons and issues, I've not been able to edit/post them.. I may (or may not) get around to posting them, but I'm gonna keep going with this...

Positive news to report, my brother and his family have moved out!! WOOT!! I do love him, but it was really hard having five extra people in this house..

On to my Day 19 photo... It's SNOWING in NC!! Who'da Thunk It!! LOL.. It snows here, just once every blue moon! School is out tomorrow, due to a teacher workday, so it doesn't make things exciting as far as that is concerned.. But the girls are excited still.. It started shortly after 8pm and is suppose to continue through the night, and all day tomorrow.. By the time its said and done, they say we will have 4-6+ inches.. Something for the girls to play in for a bit.. (Then it can go away!).. I know tomorrow I'm staying in.. People here can't drive in the snow, and just go plain wacko LOL.. Anyway heres my photo for the day.. er um night? LOL

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day 11 / Project 365..

What does 5 screaming kids + 4 adults + Chuck E. Cheese = ????

One big headache! That's what it equals.. Me and my husband, and our girls went to Chuck E. Cheese with my brother, his fiance, and their three kids and my goodness what a time that was! Leaving would have been great, had the kids been able to decide what they wanted.. We decided to merge the tickets and let the kids all get whatever they wanted.. During the visit I managed to get a decent picture of Jaslynn (my four year old) riding with Chuck E. so that is my day 11 photo!
I can't believe the weekend is over already!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 10 / Project 365..

So I'm officially late in making this post.. Company is still here, and it's hard to get time to do anything these days.. Anyway, kind of a weird picture today.. I was driving over to my moms earlier this afternoon and all of the clouds looked weird.. Just seemed to sorta "roll" on for miles.. Of course it is dreary/rainy out, so I edited the original photo with photoshop..

And just for pure boredom, here's a photo I got yesterday (Friday).. It was going to be my photo yesterday, but figured it was a bit lame LOL..

Friday, January 9, 2009

Day 9 / Project 365

I'm not sure if Taco Bell still use's this slogan.. But that is exactly what we did today. Anytime you ask my daughters when we are out, what they want to eat, they both scream Taco Bell.. Why? Beats me! I can think of many other place's I'd love to go lol.. Now I know people eat some weird stuff, I'm guilty of it myself.. But Jaslynn is the pickiest eater I have ever known.. And Taco's are no exception.. Taco, no lettuce, just cheese and meat.. I know this isn't so creative today, but my mind is shot, and I've had a really bad headache all darn day!! Hopefully tomorrow is better..